Sunday, March 30, 2008
After finishing my work this morning I took a walk. I know it sounds cheesy but I really felt like I was taking in everything with all of my senses. Maybe because I needed to. I've been feeling overwhelmed. Pulled in different directions. I needed this hour to just be. Here's what I noticed...
Scents: Smokey smell of burning brush and leaves. Dirt. A smell I can only describe as Spring that brought me back to flashbacks of playing outside as a kid when the only obstacle was the "pricker" bushes (thorns) in the way.
Sights: A cardinal. Robins. Rows of Cedar trees along the road. Bright blue sky behind the black, leafless trees of early Spring. Stone walls. A funny, perfectly round rock that is in my family's front yard.
Touches: Warm, bright sun on my back. Sting of the wind on my face. Cold hands. An old Golden Retriever's fur as he went by on his walk.
Sounds: Birds that I start to really notice this time of year. The sound of the tide going out under the bridge. Airplanes - seemed to be lots of them today. Windchimes that remind me of Grammy's House. Wind in the tall marsh grass.
Tastes: The cheescake lemon square I'm about to eat!
Although I've been taking in lots of ideas and inspirations, I'm not feeling very inspired or energetic to do any layouts, cards, or drawing. I bought charcoal and paper a few weeks ago and haven't opened the packages. I think I'm just in the gathering ideas mode. Maybe I will later and will post if I come up with anything! I'm a perfectionist and a gatherer. Sometimes I have too many ideas and I freeze and don't start anything. But I'm going to let myself off the hook and just let my thoughts go.
Saturday, March 29, 2008
Tonight I promised I'd help set up for the Spaghetti Dinner fundraiser a friend organized for the Relay-for-Life team she formed. For those who don't know Relay-for-Life events are held all over and thier goal is raising money for cancer. In my city at least, many of the teams that form do events to raise more money leading up to the actual relay event in June. I'm supposed to be on this team but to be honest I'm feeling overwhelmed with obligations. I did make some cheescake lemon squares this a.m. before getting to work. Those will be sold at tonight's event also. So I have contributed I guess. to do some more work and hopefully get outside and take a walk on this gorgeous sunny, Massachusetts day. Cary is finally awake and maybe he'll join me. He keeps commenting on my current "serious face" while I'm typing and working away!
Thursday, March 27, 2008
Today I'm grateful...
- Tomorrow is Friday.
- Cary and I made up today and will be just fine.
- I can get a good night's sleep tonight.
- I have the weekend to get all my work done, read student theses drafts, create a presentation and next Friday's lecture.
- I have a bag of microwave popcorn and Easter candy.
- I went to Yoga - it was so relaxing and needed tonight.
- There is a light at the end of next week's hectic tunnel - next Sunday I'm taking a class at my LSS - I never have before.
- The semester is almost coming to a close.
- I'm loved.
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
calm before the storm? to appreciate my last hour of relaxation for likely the remainder of the day (at least until 8pm when I crash exhausted!)
Tuesday, March 25, 2008
roses and stuff
Monday, March 24, 2008
just for fun
B- Best Friend: Cary and my mom
C- Cake or Pie: Apple or Blueberry Pie
D- Day of Choice: Saturday
E- Essential Item(s): cell phone, coffee, hair elastic, and gum
F-Favorite type of music: everything...and I mean everything!
G- Gummy Bears or Worms: worms
H- Hometown: Gloucester, MA
I- Indulgence(s): potato chips
J- January or July: July
K- Kids: someday
L - Last movie: I am Legend...sad but great effects
M- Marriage Date: ???
N- Number of Siblings: 2 - a sister 8 yrs younger and a brother 10 yrs younger
O- Oranges or Apples: apples - Esp. Cortlands in the fall from the orchard
P- Phobias or Fears: spiders with fur, fire
Q- Quote(s): "Live the questions..." - Marie Rilke
R- Reason To Smile: my family, my guy's sweetness in a guy's guy shell, suprises, hugs, dogs...
S- Season: a little of each
T- Tag: anyone who's reading!
U- Unknown Fact About Me: I figure skated for 10+ years
V- Vegetarian or Oppressor of Animal: opressor
W- Worst Habit: using too many paper towels
X- X-Rays or Ultrasounds: x-rays I guess. Odd question
Y- Your Favorite Food: my mom's cooking
the two wolves
The Two Wolves Inside Us All
One evening an old Cherokee Indian told his grandson about a battle that goes on inside people.
He said, "My son, the battle is between two wolves inside us all."
One is Evil: It is anger, envy, jealousy, sorrow, regret, greed arrogance, self-pity, guilt, resentment, inferiority, lies, false pride, superiority and ego.
The other is Good: It is joy, peace, love, hope, serenity, humility, kindness, benevolence, empathy, generosity, truth, compassion and faith.
The grandson thought about it for a minute and then asked his grandfather, "Which wolf wins?"
The old Cherokee simply replied, "The one you feed."
Sunday, March 23, 2008
Easter memories
Saturday, March 22, 2008
home. nests. spirit. grow.

Thursday, March 20, 2008
good finds and life stuff
I also went to AC Moore and got myself some watercolor wt paper, charcoal and a drawing board so I can get back to my drawing. As I reminisced has been awhile. I am going to make sure I give myself time to do that this weekend. I have so much work to do and a test on Monday but this is important to me. Also...good news/bad news. Cary gets Sunday off. Actually until further notice. They are looking to fit him in somewhere else. He's a security guard and the company he works for contracts out. The apartment complex he works at only needs 1 guy on Sundays now and his co-worker has seniority. Its good because we actually get to see each other more than 1 day a week. But bad because that's a significant pay cut and we are so close to getting a bigger apartment. Oh well. to drink some OJ and rest so I can fight off whatever is trying to get me!
Wednesday, March 19, 2008
art and inspiration

Tuesday, March 18, 2008
Sunday, March 16, 2008
one day at a time
So today I celebrated an early St. Patrick's Day with my family. My brother was going back to college today so we ate Mom's Boiled Dinner and my Irish Freckle Bread today. The bread was actually pretty good if I do say so myself and Mom's cooking...well that's always good! I spent time organizing my stickers, alphas, etc. I also went through my old scrapbook "Inspiration" binder that I really haven't looked at in years and pulled out old clippings that are not so inspiring anymore. I did find though that without realizing it I have used many of the ideas that I saved. So I guess they sunk in on some level even though the binder hasn't left the shelf in months!
I also spent some time going through my handmade cards and labeling stickers and stamps that do not have angel policies so I remember not to use them. I am really considering opening a "shop" on Etsy. In any case I want to be ready to sell at some craft fairs. I didn't do any last year but in the past have done really well and find them a lot of fun. I also managed to do a little art. Worked on pages for my "Week in the Life Album" - I'm up to Thursday! I also altered the cover of this Real Simple Index card book I got at Target yesterday.
Saturday, March 15, 2008
my day
creative plans
Today I want to (should) go to the gym for a bit. This crappy weather is getting to me because I can't just walk outside which I prefer. Then I'm going to just sit in my favorite coffee place downtown and read my new Somerset Studios and a book on selling crafts I got yesterday. This will inspire me to go home and MAKE STUFF! I also got my pict back from Scrapbook Picts yesterday and started my "Week in the Life" album which is going to take awhile. Also some small pictures for a tiny book to keep on my desk at work when I need a stress reliever. Hopefully I'll post a picture of something I make today. I also need my mom to help me undo some rows in a scarf I'm making. I messed up and need her help! Hope everyone has a fun day!
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
wondrous opportunities?
Today was a nice break. I have Spring Break from the college this week so I didn't have to work today and I also have Friday off too. Unfortunately, I don't have a lot of vacation time from my other job to take off the rest of this week. But two days off is two days off! Last night I stopped by Cary's work (he's a security guard at an apartment complex). I was on my way home from errands. It was nice to see him for a minute. Otherwise we are like two ships passing and only see each other for an hour at most on the days I get home at 4:30 and for a few minutes at 2:00am when he gets home and I'm half asleep.
This morning I did a few layouts for a Disney album I started in 04 when we went as a family! At this point I just want to finish it. I hate having projects hanging over me unfinished! Today I also enjoyed the flowers I picked up at Trader Joe's last night. The daffodils in the picture above and some tulips. I'm loving having fresh flowers in the apartment. They remind me Spring is coming. Today's weather was so wacky and definately not springlike! It rained, it snowed, it sleeted, and then the sun came out a few times. Definately New England at its finest. Cary and I got to eat broccoli -chicken alfredo...ymm...with some leftovers for work tomorrow. Around 6:00 it was brighter and after Cary left for work I got to take a quick walk. Cold but nice.

crooked scan of the card
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
creativity is...
Monday, March 10, 2008
art process or product?
This is such an interesting question for me. I am an Art Therapist by day - artist by night (in reality they can't be separated)! There are two ends of the Art Therapy spectrum and a number of theories in we focus on the art product (sense of pride, accomplishment, mastery) or the process (catharsis, expression, getting "it" out)? Both in my work as a therapist and in my own artwork I tend to be somewhere in the middle. I feel accomplished and proud when I complete a piece that I find beautiful. I am a perfectionist and I guess this plays a large part of my process. Perfect to me is just that when I look at the artwork it feels finished, complete. However, I also love getting lost in the process of it all. Hours going by. Feeling like I've "talked" about something so important to me that I weight has been lifted and I've told my story in a layout or made a card I can't wait to give to the receiver. I find that for my clients both aspects of making art can be therapeutic and healing as well. The creating and the creation. I feel that each client takes something different from the process and get what they need from it. I do the same.
Sunday, March 9, 2008
At the beginning of a season, I find myself nesting. I want to surround myself, my home, my art with the season. I'm into Spring. I'm ready! I baked some lemon cupcakes with vanilla frosting today. For some reason I am associating them with all things Spring-like!
I expected to do more scrapbooking today but I'm running out of time. My family refers to Sundays as "poison days." As the day goes by and you get to Sunday night - knowing work the following day is looming over you. Especially with daylight savings today - the day has gotten away from me. But I did start the day inspired to make some cards. In response to the Two Peas Blog Challenge the weather here today has been bright and cool. Since it's been rainy and cloudy for days it is a nice change. Feeling a little guilty 'cause I really should have taken a walk and taken advantage of the nice day. But remember I'm nesting!
I have a skylight directly over my bed and when I woke up today I saw the sun and the wind blowing the trees around over head. This wake-up combined with being inpsired by displays of flowers, pastels, green grass, crisp whites - I planned out a series of cards with the idea of newly blooming Spring trees. They are not quite finished - they need a little something. Here's one but see the series here. I'm kinda liking them...maybe I'll make something else now and enjoy a cupcake and the rest of "poison day"!
Saturday, March 8, 2008
Friday, March 7, 2008
Wednesday, March 5, 2008
1. Cary brings me joy. He's funny, optimistic, positive, goofy and sweet - though he would never admit that! I look forward to our future and each day we get.
2. Home. The woods. The trees. The history. The memories. The Quiet.
3. Art. Creativity. Time to get lost in it.
4. My job at Emmanuel. I feel energized when I leave my classes. It has been a long time that I have left work feeling full of energy.
5. Seeing dogs. It makes me miss mine terribly. But I feel happy when I see dogs playing, walking, beeing goofy. Especially dogs that look like Maddy did.
Tuesday, March 4, 2008
childhood memories
I have the most wonderful memories of my yard as a kid. In fact, I currently live in my parent's garage apartment so can appreciate it every day and think back to those years. We live in a very wooded area on an acre and a half. Big pine trees, daisies, an apple tree that was good for climbing, a tire swing, the brook. My dad made a "playhouse" (now a shed) for me to play in when I was little. I spent hours in there. It had a loft and a big main area. Mud pies were my favorite thing to make and my dad graciously pretended to eat them. My neighborhood is the same one that he and his 10 brothers and sisters grew up in. The river, the willow tree, Grammy's House, the woods, the bridge. Generations of memories. It is a huge part of my life and hopefully will be for my future children. I've only left this place long enough to live in Boston for college and D.C. for graduate school. It has always been hard for me to leave for long. Soon, Cary and I will find an apartment in another part of the city and I'm really excited to start this new adventure but part of me is sad. The garage we live in is where I played as a kid when it was "really" a garage with my Dad's Corvette. It is where I brought him mudpies. It is close to where my mom had a vegetable garden with all the carrots I picked when they were still too small! I have such fond memories of this place. It will always be somewhere I can go whenever I know that in my heart but it just might take a little drive.
Sunday, March 2, 2008
Interesting challenge given my entry yesterday about "cutting myself off" from buying more supplies! Well...the one thing I have my eye on right now wasn't out at CHA this year I don't believe but its been a big topic lately. A Bind-it-All. I really like the idea of being able to make my own journals, books, albums. But...maybe I will have to ask for it for my birthday. A long 7 months away!
I did use some of my stash today though. I made myself do my taxes first and a little prep for one of the classes I teach. Then I worked on two pages for my "All About Me" album I've been working on slowly for years. It is a collection of things I love, little facts about me, people I love, places, dreams, goals...every so often I work on another page for it. It is in a cute gatefold 8 1/2 x 8 1/2 album that I got at my LSS ages ago. Here's what I worked on today...

This page is titled "My Car(s). I have only ever had two cars and this was about them. I have always loved cars. Grew up around them. I was so sad when I had to give up my first car and really, to be honest, never really have let go of it.(It's the white volvo in the background!) That Volvo is really the only thing I truly own. But I do love my Honda and one more year of payments and it will finally be all mine!
Saturday, March 1, 2008
seek balance
I had the perfect day today. Balanced. Cary is at guard and I always miss him but I had lots of me time today and did all my favorite things despite the raw cold, rainy/snowy mess that was the weather. I met Alyssa for breakfeast this a.m. at Morning Glory. We talked and talked. I think the waitress was frustrated but it was wonderful! I felt understood and heard. After breakfeast I went to Barnes & Noble to kill a little time before my hair appt. I could spend hours wandering around that store. I picked up a really interested Feng Shui book. It has a lot of great ideas and topics that I'd like to learn about and try about Feng Shui and space clearing. I also picked up The Sound of Paper by Julia Cameron...about creativity of another sort. Each of these will be inspiring resources for my goal of balance {my one little word for the year}. Then I got my hair cut and has been sadly waiting for this for too long. The last time I had my hair done it was the weekend after Thanksgiving. There is something so relaxing of having nothing to do but sit and read trashy celebrity magazines while someone is beautifying you. With my fresh highlights and layers, I heading to my LSS to get more inspiration and spend the $20 coupon I earned last weekend....of course I spent an extra $20....guilt...Cary called while I was there and was teasing me about the features in the apartment we are looking to get in a few months. In other words, "Hon, don't spend any money, pay off the rest of your bills so we can move." I guess I have justified my purchases in my mind in the name of balance. Doing art one day a week was my New Year's intention. But I do need to cut myself off! I've spent too much on art supplies for the past few weeks. When I put away my finds tonight I realized I have so many cool things to use in my scrapbooks, cards, etc. More than I can use in my lifetime. From here on out, I'm vowing to spend my time at home working on projects instead of collecting stuff. I ended the day by going to Trader Joe's for a few things {including the white tulips that now grace my desk - the flowers Cary gave me for Valentine's Day were spent} and I also went to the grocery store. A chore, I know. But it is a chore I enjoy. It makes me feel comforted to come home and have options. choices. full cabinets. And finally...I finished my Weekend Creative that I started last night.