On my way to the beach to have a picnic with my guy (his idea) to celebrate our 2yr Anniversary from when we met. I know 2 yrs doesn't sound like much but we made 1 yr of that work while we were 400 miles apart. Taking turns on weekends driving the 6 hours to see each other. I truly believe we were meant to meet. So...off to have a nice afternoon with him to enjoy the day and this beautiful weather. Happy Friday!
Friday, May 30, 2008
On my way to the beach to have a picnic with my guy (his idea) to celebrate our 2yr Anniversary from when we met. I know 2 yrs doesn't sound like much but we made 1 yr of that work while we were 400 miles apart. Taking turns on weekends driving the 6 hours to see each other. I truly believe we were meant to meet. So...off to have a nice afternoon with him to enjoy the day and this beautiful weather. Happy Friday!
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
shades of green
No layouts, cards, or art journaling today. It seems my "roll" has been broken by the boring everyday-ness of work and class. Looking forward to seting aside time this weekend again to make stuff. I'm loving having extra days at home so far this summer. It will be even nicer when my research class is done. I'm really working hard this week on being positive. Also trying to be more mindful. I'm not very good at it sometimes. Yesterday I was so rushed between work and class I felt like I wasn't enjoying anything. I need a daily reminder that
green & blue
Happy Wednesday! Hope everyone reading had a nice day and I look forward to checking out blogs later tonight...
Monday, May 26, 2008
on a roll
I got three cards and three layouts (almost) done today. I think it's a personal record! I had fun working, enjoying the nice breezes coming in all the open windows on such a beautiful day. Here's what I made. I made it my goal to try and use scraps when possible (since reorganizing all my scraps into a large box) and to use the clippings I have in my Scrapbook Inspiration Binder. I updated this binder yesterday and realize how infrequently I refer to the binder. Though I knwo the images inspire what I do anyway. I'll do my best to let you know the supplies used...I'm not really good at keeping track. Here goes...
The strips of scrap papers with rounded and inked edges was inspired by a clipping from a scrapping magazine. Unfortunately the clipping was added before I got better at including the scrappers name in the clipping. So I don't know who to credit...but that part of the design was not my own. This card is for my Dad for Father's Day. The little frog is a Rubber Soul stamp that I outlined in brown pen. I added a rub-on over the flower in the stamped image. I stamped the letters "Dad" and outlined them in pen and added the rubon flourish because I wasn't liking the space between the word and the frog.
This card is to give my Dad after his upcoming surgury. He's having surgury on his hand (right and he's right-handed) in a few weeks and it's the first time he's had anesthesia so we are all a little nervous. He's an electrician, self-employed, so the idea of him being out of work at least 2 weeks is equally nerve-wracking. I got the idea of stamping the letters in the message in a circular around a flower from another clipping. I've held on to that clipping forever because I loved it. On mine, I added a little Perfect Pearls in the center of the flower. I used scraps to layer and inked edges with Tim Holtz Distress Inks (milled lavender & shabby shutters). I also used those inks for the alpha stamps.
My final layout was inspired by a recent clipping. This time I got smart and clipped out the artist's name so I can give credit where it's due! This layout was lifted from a layout by Athena Mejia in the Jan.'08 Making Memories. Her's was an 8 1/2 x 11 layout. I adapted mine to 12 x 12. I also only included one image and made some other adjustments. I was inspired to create a layout with this photo of one of my old toys my father found in the yard and has propped up on the shed's window sill. Last weekend, they came across my doll ("Picky") and blanket ("my tuddy") and it just brought back so many wonderful memories. I haven't done the journaling on this layout yet other than a strip of words of all the toys and games and things I remember loving as a kid.
Thanks for looking! I wonder how long this creative roll will last??? Off to eat my supper (salad with a peice of Gorton's salmon on top) and then.....an ice cream cone. I didn't take a walk today but SO WHAT! Then I hope to read some blogs and see what everyone else has been up to this long weekend.
Sunday, May 25, 2008
memorial day
Happy Memorial Day weekend everyone! I've always taken this holiday seriously. I'm reminded of the sacrifice my Uncle Lauri made as a Marine in Vietnam and how he was never the same from what my dad tells me. He was a quiet soul and I think about him a lot. One of my heroes. Never complained. I think about the job my Dad did on the USS Coral Sea during Vietnam at the same time my Uncle Lauri, his brother, was there. I imagine what that must have been like for my Grandparents and the rest of their 9 children (there were 11). I think about the sacrifices my boyfriend Cary made years before I met him as a prison guard in Iraq. He saw scary things and did an amazing job. He continues to serve his country and has for over 11 years in the Maine Army National Guard. To these heroes, old and new, in my life I will mark this Memorial Day thinking about them.
As for other things...I did go to my LSS's annual Yard Sale. I'd never been. There were some good deals to be had. I only spent about $8 and got some border stamps, beautiful paper, some Heidi Swapp journaling spots, alphas, and other goodies. But my favorite find was this...
...for $2.00! I had been eying this for a long time but could never get past the $20-pricetag. But $2.00 I can do! I still haven't really done any scrapping with my new goodies. Or worked on my mini book with the photos I got developed but I did some organizing. I have a binder I use to store layouts and scrap magazine clippings in. I went through that and purged. I also went through some older issues of magazines and clipped out stuff to put in. I sat outside in the beautiful weather while I worked...
Then I went for a nice walk and am now waiting for some BBQ wings to finish cooking to go along with my homemade potato salad. I am so hungry! Have a nice rest of the day everyone.
Saturday, May 24, 2008
my weekend so far
I promise I'll post a picture tomorrow! Thanks for all the nice comments...
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
creativity is
Two Peas Challenge - Why is CREATIVITY important?
- creativity IS problem-solving. not just in art but in life.
- makes life interesting!
- can be found in children drawing and playing, adults balancing a budget and in someone making a recovery from mental illness and/or addiction.
- is something I feel in places... like homes, the Cathedral in the photo. hands that placed each beam, stone, light. creativity.
- allows for self-expression...our thoughts, dreams, goals, fears...
- lets us get out what we can't speak in words.
- brings beauty into the world in art, music, design, architecture, parenting, cooking, customer service...
- brings new things into the world to make our lives better and/or easier. a creative person invented cars, pencils, ice cream, chairs, comfy slippers...you get the idea!
- helps us find new solutions to old nagging problems.
That's my list for today!
Had some frustrating parts of my day today but also just got some exciting things accomplished...I'll tell more later. Trying to narrow down ideas for a research project I have to do during my 6 week class. Research is not my thing! Took a nice, long walk after dinner. Hoping to read a few blogs before I call it a night!
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
...I mailed in my submission to Somerset Studios. Here is the sneak peak.
...was not a good day at work overall but had some nice moments with clients.
...my first Research class was held tonight. There will be a lot of work over these 6 weeks....design a research project to do on my classmates related to an interest?...something art therapy related I'm thinking? In 11 classes? Yikes!
...the wireless internet was not working over here...grrr. I just walked back and forth to the house checking the router 6x.
...the weather was beautiful. Sunny & cool.
...I didn't get my laundry done again.
...Cary was sweet when I came home frustrated and overwhelmed.
...I had a wonderful dinner. Teriyaki marinated salmon, rice and sugar snap peas.
And now...
...I'm exhausted. Need. my. bed.
Monday, May 19, 2008
another day
Sunday, May 18, 2008
graduation card
A quickie card I just made with scraps from my layout. It's for a friend who just graduated with her MSW. The sequin flowers are from Queen & Co., I've had the paper awhile - not sure of the co., the "Cheers" sticker is K&Co. I think...and the brad is Making Memories. Thanks for checking it out!
Here's one layout so far today. Took me forever! Used Heidi Swapp chipboard letters. Originally white. First I chalked with green. Then brown. Then decided they weren't dark enough so colored them with Sharpie! Indecision is my worst enemy.
This is the first time I've used the Queen & Co. felt and I really liked it. I cut off a lot of leaves before sticking it down...seemed to busy for me. I used some Queen & Co. sequin flowers I got at CKC and some Making Memories rhinestone brads. Both of these supplies are favorites and I was excited to stock up on more at a good price at CKC.
This isn't my fave layout of all time...but I put a lot of feeling into it. It went in a direction different than I intended with these photos. Long story full of family drama, but this morning, with my mom, I was looking at her disc...yes disc.... of her family when she was a kid. That disc is all she has as far as family "photos" (she didn't get the originals) and the only real heirloom to speak of. She's joking about framing it, hanging it on her wall with a label saying "family photos." So...my journaling took a different spin on this layout.
Also..one unintentional mistake in the sub-title (Irish Freckle Bread)...yeah...not paying attention I stamped the "e" sideways! Oh well...it's quirky!
Today I also came across my baby doll and blanket from childhood..."Picky" and "My Tuddy." I loved those things! I will take a photo and show you all later. "Tuddy" is being washed and "Picky" needed her face washed...she hasn't aged well!
Friday, May 16, 2008
a nice afternoon
Just got back from the movies. The new Narnia movie was really good! A lot more fighting scenes than the first one but still very good. Great special effects. Since being back I just wolfed down three peices of Dominos Pizza. I was starving apparantly.
This picture is one I took this afternoon. I really wish I had a nice camera. I just have a point and shoot that I've had for years. But I'm practicing with it. This flower is in my parent's yard. There are only two blossoms and they are so bright against all the greens of their leaves and the leaves of the day lillies that will be out in a few months. I took a lot of flower pictures...more of the violets and some of the (still) tightly closed lilacs. Our lilac trees are very tall so they are taken from an odd perspective looking up at them. I will post more photos tomorrow. Next, I'm off to read my new CK magazine that just came in the mail. Perfect for the chilly, rainy night. I'm worn out...no playing with my new loot tonight I guess. Cary is playing his World of Warcraft game tonight. He plays on Friday nights with his friends from home (Maine). For anyone not familiar, it's an online game and actually a lot of fun. He loves it and for him it gives him a chance to "see" friends...he's been homesick (his version of it anyway - he would never admit to the typical "homesickness"!)...
Well anyhow...Have a nice night!
Here are my finds! I didn't spend much. Somewhere around $40. I didn't keep good track. My favorite find was some Heidi Swapp chipboard alphas. I use those all the time. Also got some Cat's eye chalks that I've been wanting to try. A few stickles, Queen & Co. sequin flowers and alphas...a bunch of stuff. But my favorite find were these...
Got both from Rusty Pickle for $3! They are neat inside. Accordian with all different pockets. The chipboard covers aren't attached but I think they could easily. Well...I'm home for a bit having some lunch. I'm feeling a lot better today. I appreciate everyone's "Get Well" wishes. After lunch I'm off to see the new Narnia movie with Cary...then hopefully will get to play with my new goodies later! Have a nice weekend everyone...
Thursday, May 15, 2008
off to manchester CKC tomorrow?
Hopefully I'll report back tomorrow night with some deals I scored and feeling better.
I forced myself to take a 40 min walk tonight. I walked longer than I planned but didn't feel as energetic toward the end as I usually do. But I needed to do it. I feel lazy when I don't. Cary has been so good lately. Running his 2 miles a day or walking. And it shows. I'm gaining and he's losing! I just don't feel as good about myself as I did this time last year when I was in really good shape. I will get back to that....
Well off to watch some TV, read some blogs, and hopefully stay awake long enough for Grey's Anatomy. All after I wash my dishes of course!
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
art, life, growth, uncertainty
I started a new Art Journal this weekend. All I have done is the cover. I have been making these collages in the outline of a Mandala (a circle) during one of the art therapy groups I run. Mandalas are used in art therapy frequently and there are many theories and an assessment developed using this form. But just as far as a process they are so relaxing and a form of meditation. They are found in all cultures and I use them a lot in my work and in my own art. No rules other than start with the circle form and go from there. I've been doing a series lately with small squares of magazine collage in colors, patterns and textures that appeal to me. I decided to use it for the cover of my journal....now....where to begin inside...
I want to not think it out too much
Be more spontaneous and free with what I put down
Not worry about my art being pretty
Experiment with techniques, combinations, ideas
Get out my feelings
That's what I hope this journal will be. I tried another in the winter but it really became a different sort of journal. Not the type where I let myself get messy and not worry. I need this badly in my life right now. I'm worrying and feeling negative and it's affecting me and in particular my relationship with Cary. I need to lighten up and I plan to use this journal to help with this.
Today I also took a few minutes out of the day at work to do my own art therapy. Trying to figure out my feelings about clients, work and myself. I found a magazine image I had saved from a Martha Stewart magazine. It was of an acorn that had started to sprout into an oak tree. I loved it. Growth. That's what came to mind when I saw it. How do you grow? What nurtures you? What hinders your growth? How do you get "unstuck"? All of these questions float in my mind and there is something in this picture that fits it all for me. I decided to take my charcoal's and paper to work today so I could focus on it for 10 minutes. Here's what I started...
I was thinking about drawing last night. I used to draw realistic charcoal and pencil drawings all the time. Still lifes, landscapes. I have a huge on one my wall that I see daily that was part of my senior thesis in college. I loved drawing. The challenge of making something look real. It is the perfectionist in me and represents the opposite sort of art I want to do in my Art Journal. I think I need a little of both. Art I can control more and art that is loose. I am feeling out of control with certain elements of my life right now and I hate it. Uncertainty. I need to find a sense of order somewhere and my drawing can do that. I can use my Art Journal for lightening up!
Thanks for listening to me go on and on!
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
why I write
- I am really enjoying the community of other scrapbooking, cardmaking, crafty girls who like the same things I like and take time out to really listen and see what each other has to say and show on thier blogs.
- To document my life as it is right now: ups, downs, excitments, disapointments, everyday stuff.
- Creative outlet...brainstorm ideas, share ideas, hear others feedback on projects, photos, etc.
- To think through my day and try and leave it in the past and move on the next day.
- To try and be more positive...I feel like I used to be a lot more positive and happy but lately the worrier in me takes over more than I'd like it to. Writing helps me sort through my worries.
- Wow. Only on #6 huh?! Don't some of my previous long answers count as more than one?!
- To grow more mindful of the everyday stuff of life.
- Sometimes I blog and write as a way of procrastinating or distracting from the things I should be doing...there are too many shoulds in life anyway and that's what I'm trying to get away from (see #5!).
- That's really all I got...I don't have 10!
Have a nice night everyone!
Monday, May 12, 2008
i hate being sick
Well..I'm off to wash some dishes and try and feel a little better. And to read my new Memory Makers that came today...and the Country Home issue that I snuck into the grocery cart today ;)
Sunday, May 11, 2008
my saturday
The graduation was beautiful. It felt so odd to be in the faculty room before processing. I felt like any minute someone would see me and say "hey, you are an imposter!" I saw my eight Art Therapy students cross the stage and saw many afterwards. Met some parents, took some pictures...it was a nice day. But cold and my feet hurt bad! The shoes were cute but beauty is pain. I didn't take many pictures myself. The one above isn't the most beautiful...it's the state-of-the art Academic Science building the college is putting up. But the writing on the side made me laugh. If you click on the picture for a closer look, the highest horizontal beam says, "Do you homework :)"

So...this morning...decided to open my fortune cookie. Forgot to last night. Here was my fortune:
You have the abilty to sense and know higher truth.
Ok. Too serious. And it implies that I think too much (see earlier post about this dilemna and how I wish I could relax more and not worry).
So...I decided to open Fortune Cooke #2. We got 4 after all. Cary still has two for himself. Here's my 2nd fortune:
You love sports, horses and gambling but not to excess.
Ok. Now this is the other end of the spectrum! Nevermind with the fortunes for today.
Friday, May 9, 2008
Ahh. Friday. The first friday I'm "off" from school. I feel as though I should be doing something. Cary and I are going to see Ironman later. He's seen it and liked it. I want to start the Art Journal I am planning on begining. I really want to just experiment in there and not worry about perfection or neatness. I took a few photos this a.m. before it starts raining. The ferns are in my parent's front yard. I love how the uncurl into giant fronds. I always loved picking some as a kid. They only last a day in a vase though. So I really should just appreciate them outside.
Tomorrow is the college graduation. It's supposed to rain and be cooler. Yuck. I am going to freeze in my dress. I don't wear dresses often. Figures. I feel like I'm graduating. This year has been a whirlwind of learning, mistakes, nerves, excitement. Hard to believe it's done!
Well...off to continue my day. Maybe get a quick walk in before the rain...
Two Peas Challenge~ If you could choose a different time period to live in, when would it be?
There are bits and pieces of different time periods I would like to have experienced. The beautiful dresses from Victorian Times, music of the 60's, the time frame my ancestors came to America from Ireland, the years my parent's grew up in to see what it was like for them...little pieces of each time. But truthfully I like the time I was able to grow up in. Playing outside, my mom being home, having many opportunities. I would skip right over middle school...but otherwise I think I've been lucky.
Thursday, May 8, 2008
little known facts about me
Here's are a few:
- I figure skated for over 10 years as a kid. Even had a single axle for awhile and started working on a double salchow.
- I grew up going to "the races." Car races. Supermodifieds. But among the "big guys" in Nascar...I grew up on Dale Earnhardt and Jr. is my favorite.
- I'm the oldest of three kids. I'm older than my sister by 8 yrs and older than my brother by 10.
- I met my guy two years ago through eharmony and had a very good experience with that website. He's my match.
- I was afraid of dogs as a kid. Now I love them!
- I was an RA for 2 yrs in college for international students and for 1 year in grad school for freshmen.
- I have the worst guilty conscious ever.
Tuesday, May 6, 2008
Monday, May 5, 2008
I love the Monday Blog Challenge posted on Two Peas today...
List 10 things you want to accomplish before it's too late. For me "too late" seems to mean different things. Primarily in regards to having children and secondarily in regards to my parents and my relationship with them. Here's my list...
1. Have children. Definately first on my list (goes with #2).
2. Get married...though I don't really think it's ever "too late" for this one.
3. Allow my parent's to be grandparents (see #1).
4. Be able to buy a home someday. A piece of land. A place to raise a family.
5. Learn how to run. I walk pretty regularly (although not as much the last few months) but I'd really love to work up to running.
6. See the sunset over the Pacific Ocean again.
7. Travel and see new places.
8. Sit and draw outside somewhere with my dad. He was an amazing artist when he was younger and hasn't drawn in years. This is a little thing but something I've always wanted to do.
9. Learn more about knitting from my mother's talented hands.
10. Relax and enjoy all these moments and more...
Thanks for reading!
Sunday, May 4, 2008
black & white
We'll see! It's been fun anyhow.
Saturday, May 3, 2008
a layout and ramblings
Here's my page for today. In person it is actually black, grey, with accents of light blue. Not the best color quality in this pict. I was inspired by a page in Ali Edwards book Designer's Eye for Scrapbooking. I've had these large black tags forever and liked how she used them in this way on a page. I used a white sharpie on each for some journaling and embellished with a black/white polka dot ribbon and a strip of light blue/white polka dot ribbon at the top.
I had a nice afternoon. While the fridge was defrosting I made the cards and page and then went out to pick up a few things at the grocery store. I rented a movie for later and sat in my favorite coffee shop downtown with a Tuxedo Hot Chocolate and my new Somerset Studios mag. I got almost everything checked off my list and snuck in some extras! When I came home I started another project and here I am...hope everyone had a nice saturday!
goals today
- defrost my little fridge
- vacuum
- make my brother's birthday card
- make a mother's day card
- dust
- get a few groceries
- draw
- double check the final exam I wrote
- do a page or two in honor of Nat'l Scrapbooking Day
Might be a little too ambitious...we shall see!
Friday, May 2, 2008
Today has been a day of errands so far. The shoes. A haircut. A birthday present for my brother. And a few treats at C.O. Bigelow for me! I could spend hours there walking the aisles smelling all the luxury...but I only left with three small sized products - I have to stop spending $$. I got a small aromatherapy lavender pillow spray to help me sleep... hopefully. Last night I couldn't and lately I've had trouble. Dreams, nightmares, etc. I usually sleep through the night but its not a restful sleep. Even though I only left with a few small things, the great thing about that store is they always slip a bunch of free samples into the bag. Love it!
So...now I'm home with my finds checking some more things off my "to do" list. A few minutes ago I grabbed a store bag and re-designed it to wrap my brother's birthday present. I hate the idea of spending $4 on a giftbag like I usually do so thought I'd recycle this time. Here it is...I'm quite proud. I even recycled the tissue paper from my buys at C.O. Bigelow. It literally took 5 minutes while I was waiting for my lunch to heat up on the stove! In a little while I'm off to the college for the opening of the Senior art major's Art Show. I'll have to mingle with faculty, students and parents. This whole experience of being in the professor role has been surreal. Last night at the student BBQ my supervisor hosted it felt strange. Like I didn't quite fit with the faculty but also not quite with the students. Wierd. Especially wierd since it doesn't feel like that long ago since I was in the student's shoes and my (now) supervisor was my professor. Also in the catagory of wierdness...just now...as I have been sitting here writing this blog, I had an itch on my hip...a tick. A deer tick no less. Yuck! The season begins. It didn't bury its head thank goodness but it was a sucker to get off...I hate them.
Well, now that I've grossed everyone out I'm off to relax for bit and read my new issues of Somerset Studios and Somerset Memories that I picked up during my errands.