Thursday, July 31, 2008
I'll hopefully post some pictures soon with the progress! Happy Friday tomorrow!
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
my day
Some more pictures from my walk yesterday. Lazy today. I'm home from work and don't feel like walking. That's not good...starts a bad pattern. Today I had to take my car in to the dealership because the AC isn't working...also a break sound. Good news is the AC part is covered under warranty. Bad news is that it won't be too much longer before I'll need to get my brake's done. Fortunately not today.
All-in-all today wasn't too bad. I'm looking forward to moving and getting settled. Missing my art stuff. I have to say I'm looking forward to sitting out at the complex's pool during my vacation in August. That and the beach...I'll have to decide from day-to-day! to heat up some leftovers for supper and hopefully read a few blogs. While procastinating on putting away laundry (my 2nd least fave chore behind dishes!)...
Monday, July 28, 2008
Today I will probably take a walk with Cary when he gets up. Otherwise not much. I don't have any other boxes to finish packing. Can't really do much til I start moving stuff over on Friday. I think I might go read a book on my parent's porch for a bit. Maybe I'll post again later. Happy Monday!
Sunday, July 27, 2008
Wingaersheek Beach on a summer evening
The dunes - falling down fence is supposed to protect them...
Thursday, July 24, 2008
my day
Contacts update. At the eye Dr. I was seen by another of the Dr.'s in the practice and she recommended I try Accuvue Oasis this week. She was joking that the other Dr. must not wear contacts or he wouldn't have given me the contacts he did originally! has been really humid and rainy for the past two days. The rain I don't mind. The ants who are somehow extremely attracted to the inside of this apartment when it rains is another story. They are EVERYWHERE! We live in the woods. That's what we get. What is more disturbing is the morning after I've sprayed. It looks like an ant graveyard. They are everywhere still but dead. Good Lord. That is one thing I won't miss when I move!
Hopefully tomorrow I will post some new pictures....I need to get a creative outlet. Right now I have no motivation to do any cards, scrapping, anything. Half my apartment is packed. It's messy. And that stresses me out. I can't focus on things when I feel like my house is a mess. So...I'll try for taking pictures since that happens outside!
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
wish list an attempt to liven up my blog tonight and my boring little are some things on my dream wish list for the apartment....none of these are really realistic because of (a) cost and (b) space....but I *heart* them!

Pottery Barn: Matine Toile Duvet Cover & Sham - Espresso

My new dream studio collection

My new "dinnerware." I've never had "dinnerware." Just "dishes."
and new bookshelves for my loads of books that have no home.
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
- I wished I brought my camera on my walk. The Queen Anne's Lace are out, the marsh looks unbelievably green and the last pictures I took were around the 4th of July! This picture was from even earlier!
- I'm reminding myself I need to get to the beach more. Summer will only last so long.
- I got both contacts in. No problems. I think the right one was on inside out yesterday. They were dry today though so I'm seeing the Doc a day earlier to see if I need a new type or drops.
- I made an appt to get my car's AC checked out next week. I don't even use it much but the car is only 4 years old. Not even paid for yet and the AC isn't working!
- Was a wieeerrrddd day at work. And last week was the full moon.
- My dad got the hard cast off his arm/hand. His thumb is healing well but now he still has another 4 weeks of it being quite painful and little mobility. No work for him either which is not good news for my parents.
- I am looking forward to moving. Wishing I could just get it done. Not liking living with boxes. Makes me feel like I don't want to start any new projects until that gets done.
- I'm already wishing it were thursday (my friday!)...
- I'm needing to remind myself not to speed up time!
Monday, July 21, 2008
contacts - the trial
It bothered me. Slightly stinging...nothing serious mainly just felt uncomfortable. Took them both out.
I was just getting more used to putting them in. (Taking them out is another story). My right eye still feels a little like something is in it. Not bad just odd. Wondering if I scratched it? The eye Dr. is closed today. So...I'm going to try and put them in before work tomorrow and see how they feel. If the right eye is still bothering me I'm going to go in to the Dr. and see what's up.
Does anyone reading have any experience getting used to contacts??
Sunday, July 20, 2008

1. MOVE !, 2. Moving Truck, 3. Moving sucks, 4. Moving Tip #48, 5. The Emptiness of Moving, 6. Moving out, 7. Moving House, 8. Moving Day, 9. moving announcement
So...I haven't done any art. or taken any photos. I have been trying to get a head start on getting ready to move. We have a few weeks. I threw out 2 bags of junk. I have a stack of books to donate and will probably have more. I'm afraid there won't be a lot of room when all is said and done.'ll work.
I went to the beach yesterday afternoon and had a picnic with Cary. It was beautiful down there. Then we went to see The Dark Knight. It was awesome. I don't usually follow Oscar buzz but I have to say Heath Ledger completely deserves an Oscar that can be passed on to his family in his memory. He was unbelievable. The creepiest, scariest character I've seen in a long time. He completely outshined Batman.
This a.m. I ran to Target for a few things and was going to stop at the grand opening of a new Michael's at the mall. Never mind. A security officer was directing traffic away from the full parking lot! So much for inviting new customers! I was directed right by the store and certainly wasn't going to come back later. Instead I continued my errands at the grocery store. Bought a small peice of salmon for dinner tonight. Hmmm.
Today is Day 3 with contacts. Slowly getting used to them. Still takes me awhile to get them in and out. It is so wierd to have them in. I hope they get easier. I like being able to see everything without my glasses! to catch up on blogs. I've been a bad reader...sorry :(
Saturday, July 19, 2008
new eyes & hair
Today I got my hair trimmed and got shorter bangs. Nice change. I'll have to take some updated photos. I don't have many.
Yesterday we signed the apt lease and paid the first months rent. We officially move Aug 1st. I will be moving stuff that weekend while Cary is at guard and then we'll move the rest the following weekend. Yeah!
Hopefully I can post some photos of some sort later!
Thursday, July 17, 2008
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
live in the moment - few pages
"Peace. It does not mean to be in a place where there is no noise, trouble or hard work. It means to be in the middle of those things and still be calm in your heart." - unknown
"Where the spirit does not work with the hand there is no art." - Leonardo DaVinci
"Best if all is to preserve everthing in a pure, still heart, and let there be for every pause a thanksgiving, and for every breath a song." - Conrad Von Gesner
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
everything has a begining
This following set of pages is fitting for the day. The quote is one I actually had engraved last year onto a keychain for Cary marking the anniversary of when we met. Cary and I put a deposit on an apartment last night! Yeah. It's in my hometown still which is good. I feel a sense of relief and nervousness at the same time. This has been on hold for so long. Cary moved down here in October and there has been this uncertaintly about where we would live. Here or Maine. It has just felt unsettled for so long. Thank you to everyone who sent good thoughts. We should find out this week if we have it. It's small. 1 bedroom. But anything will seem huge to us. It is hard to convey how small my apartment is. I'm feeling a little sentimental about it. I loved this apartment. My dad built it in the garage. It's beautiful. I wake up to a skylight overhead and all I see is trees. I have been living here since grad school. So about 8 years. It's in the yard, next to the only home I have known. I know....I'm too old to be sad to "leave" home. Even though I lived in Boston for college and DC. for grad school...I always looked forward to coming home. I probably always will. No other place will have the craftsmanship of my dad. I'm such a baby about stuff like this!'s the set of pages I was mentioning....I'll post more later!
Monday, July 14, 2008
princess for a day
So...I'm trying to clear my mind and do some scrapping. I hope to work on my May page today.
Yesterday I did get quite a lot done and felt good about it...
To Do {yesterday}:
Take a walk.
Scrap at least one page.
Start looking at which photos to develop for June.
Read my book.
- complete May layout
- call the 4 most promising apartments - all complexes with utilities included.
- go to the gym
- welcome my sister home from her trip to Europe (and try not to be too jealous-lol!)
Anything else I do will be extra....hope to post a layout later...
Saturday, July 12, 2008
trying to cheer up

- Grocery shopping. Just a few things.
- Make some potato salad for supper.
- Sweep the floors and straighten up a little.
- Take a walk.
- Scrap at least one page.
- Start looking at which photos to develop for June.
- Buy printer ink.
- Print out my fall class roster and syllabus.
- Read my book.
It's a long list. We'll see. I'm going to try to not stress if it doesn't all get done. It doesn't matter in the long run...
Thursday, July 10, 2008
wierd day
Today was a wierd day all around. Work was wierd. I did get to do a little art though. I brought my set of ATC's and used whatever supplies were available to do one. It was very relaxing to focus on for 15 minutes. The remainder of the day was odd. Hard to explain but made me wonder if it was a full moon. It isn't. But the day ended well. After work and having a quick dinner with cary, I picked up my new glasses. Next friday I am taking the plunge and getting fitted for contacts. We'll see what happens. Eyes creep me out. I can't even do eye drops -when I need them I have a tricky system of dripping the solution on my cheek and letting it roll into my eye- I'm sorry, it's just not normal to look into the sky and let something drop into your eye.
It's just plain wrong.
But I hate wearing my glasses and the Dr. and asst's all said how easy it is. They said, "As long as you can get your thumb and finger close to your eye, you can do it. " Sounds easy enough I guess. My fear is getting one contact in and then not being able to get up the nerve to get it out. They have assured me getting them out is easier.
We'll just see about that!
Anyway, after picking up the glasses I brought Cary a McDonald's ice cream sundae while he was at work. And we chatted for a bit and then I went to do some errands at Target. Nothing exciting - shampoo, conditioner, citronella candles, etc. The candles were hard to find by the way. Apparantly summer is officially over and we have to think school supplies. I hate how stores rush the seasons. But anyhow, I did get a little K&Co. book of ancestry question & answer journaling cards. Hoping to eventually do a mini book about my mom and dad using those questions and some of the old photos I posted about few weeks ago.
Well...that's enough rambling for now. Looking forward to a beach day tomorrow a.m.! Yeah! Hope everyone has a wonderful night and morning...
Wednesday, July 9, 2008
a view I miss
Today had it's ups and downs. I did go to the gym after work and although I was dying (it was so hot in there) I feel good now. 35 min on the treadmill and the 1 hr muscle conditioning class. I can feel that I'm not in the shape I was in this time last year. I want to be back to that! to eat my Trader Joe's Veggie Egg Rolls and Rice...hmmm....let me cancel out that 1 1/2 hrs at the gym!
Tuesday, July 8, 2008
Monday, July 7, 2008
a summer day
- the weather was 90' and humid
- spent the morning at the beach with my mom
- didn't go in the water because here in MA it is freezing until at least August. There's a joke that you can see the tourists in the water and natives don't go in until the one week in mid-late summer where it gets warm! Plus it was low tide.
- dinner with my family
- a slight sunburn and covered with mosquito bites
- sat at my Aunt and Uncle's house had a Corono and chatted with them and my dad
- ate lots of watermelon with Cary
- visited with my cousin who's visiting from CA until tomorrow :( We don't get to see that huge part of my family enough...there are a ton of cousins and now 2nd cousins out there that I love!
- watched my cousins play a serious game with BB Guns!
- took a short walk when it was cooler
- and the finale is knowing it will be a rough sleeping night being that it's in the 70's still, humid, and we have no AC!
I love SUMMER! I'm not being sarcastic...I really do! Humidity, mosquitos and all. The good really does outweight the bad...though I might feel differently when I go back to work Wednesday ;)
Sunday, July 6, 2008
list of things to do
Here was my list of things to do today...
bake a blueberry piemow part of the lawn for my fatherdo some art- pick up my cousin from California at the train in Boston
- cook dinner
clean: sweep, dust, etc.organize photosmake plans for my Etsy: pricing, research fees, etc.- make the most of my last few days of vacation
try not to be disapointed about it not being a beach day again.
I still have TWO more days of vacation.
Just a little box covered with patterned paper, a silk flower and leaf, a rhinestone and ribbon on the edging. I haven't done one of these in awhile and it was quick and fun. I didn't think it through too much...just glued!
A fun card I made with some of the inchies I posted yesterday. I am really liking this idea..being able to make little pieces whenever I have time and then putting them together like a quilt. I might even make myself a little kit to take to work so I can try and refocus and relax when I eat lunch some days. That would be really nice since we don't get official breaks during the day...
Onto a completely different topic...wondering if those who read my blog and have their own Etsy shops could give me any bits of advice, wisdom you might have? I've been thinking about it for awhile and want to just do it instead of thinking about it. I'm a planner in case you haven't guessed! Anything you've learned through the process would be so appreciated! Thanks! to finish the rest of my list! Have a nice night everyone...
Saturday, July 5, 2008
inchies & layouts
Friday, July 4, 2008
independence day

Thursday, July 3, 2008

I bought some blank ATC's and bookmarks at the LSS last night. Thinking I want to do some small artworks and maybe use them on cards. I don't really know much about ATC's but they have always intriqued me. Anyone who's reading make these? Tonight I normally would go to the parade and fireworks our city has on the 3rd of July but Cary is working and my family isn't going so I think I'll stay in and do some art. For me. I hope everyone reading gets a chance to do the same! Thanks again for listening...
Wednesday, July 2, 2008
Moody. That's been me lately it seems. Today especially. No one particular thing to point to. I just am. I try to keep it under the surface but today that has been difficult. That would be fine if it wasn't affecting everyone around me and my relationships. Including me and how I relate to myself. I think much of it has to do with my giant need to be a perfectionist. With everything. everyone. everyday. I am always afraid of "messing up," making a mistake, or disappointing someone. Most of all myself. Sometimes I try to say I should just accept myself - perfectionism and all. But the hard thing is that the very perfectionsim I want to accept makes acceptance so difficult. Why is that? Sometimes I feel like I'm the only one who must feel like this but I know I'm not. I want to be able to just Let Go...and just BE. I'm tired of always being a worrier. But I'm just not sure I know how. I feel like I can help others find out how to de-stress, relax and Let Go but I don't know how to do this for myself. I need to figure it out! I worked on some cards last night and there seemed to be a theme. A little imbalanced while still being balanced. Words to help me stay grounded and positive like "smile." Tonight I did an entry in my art journal about "Perfect Insecurity." It helped. But I still need to keep figuring it out...and I need to STOP thinking so much...I do know that that is part of the problem! To all who are reading this...thank you so much for listening :)
Tuesday, July 1, 2008
a schooner voyage
Fishing boats at Cape Pond Ice "The coolest guys around."
Gloucester as viewed from the harbor
The old paint factory. A landmark.
So now I hope to do some scrapping. I still haven't really! Tomorrow won't be nearly as exciting. A trip to the eye Dr. for some new glasses. But my cousin from California is coming out to visit tomorrow night for a day or so. Can't wait for that!