1. MOVE !, 2. Moving Truck, 3. Moving sucks, 4. Moving Tip #48, 5. The Emptiness of Moving, 6. Moving out, 7. Moving House, 8. Moving Day, 9. moving announcement
So...I haven't done any art. or taken any photos. I have been trying to get a head start on getting ready to move. We have a few weeks. I threw out 2 bags of junk. I have a stack of books to donate and will probably have more. I'm afraid there won't be a lot of room when all is said and done. But...it'll work.
I went to the beach yesterday afternoon and had a picnic with Cary. It was beautiful down there. Then we went to see The Dark Knight. It was awesome. I don't usually follow Oscar buzz but I have to say Heath Ledger completely deserves an Oscar that can be passed on to his family in his memory. He was unbelievable. The creepiest, scariest character I've seen in a long time. He completely outshined Batman.
This a.m. I ran to Target for a few things and was going to stop at the grand opening of a new Michael's at the mall. Never mind. A security officer was directing traffic away from the full parking lot! So much for inviting new customers! I was directed right by the store and certainly wasn't going to come back later. Instead I continued my errands at the grocery store. Bought a small peice of salmon for dinner tonight. Hmmm.
Today is Day 3 with contacts. Slowly getting used to them. Still takes me awhile to get them in and out. It is so wierd to have them in. I hope they get easier. I like being able to see everything without my glasses!
Well...off to catch up on blogs. I've been a bad reader...sorry :(
I love the Moving Sucks photo. Too Funny. I also Loved The Dark Knight. Heath Leger was great. Way to go with the contacts. Keep it up and it will get easier.
remember to breathe. : )
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