Monday, December 29, 2008
here she far
Sunday, December 28, 2008
inspired by a book
I used some Christmas gift money yesterday to pick up a few things at the art store. I have been reading Kelly Rae Robert's Taking Flight and have been really inspired. A few months ago, before picking up her book, I pulled out my water-soluable oils {an awesome product I discovered in college -oil paints that don't require turpentine}. So I played around with a painting...
I bought some acrylics a few weeks ago...and some heavy body gel medium and clear gesso yesterday...and love them. They dry so much faster. I had forgotton how much I hated that oils take forever to dry. That is advantage with some paintings...but I like immediate gratification and want to jump into the next part of the project.
I tried some background techniques today from Kelly's book. You will see many similarities in what I did to a few of her background examples. I combined a few techniques she outlines. Used paper towel like a brush. Played with household items {corrugated cardboard from a shoebox} for texture. Spritzed with water and blotted it off to reveal the base color and more texture. Used a bottle cap dipped in white acrylic mixed with heavy body gel medium and stamped circles. I played! I am having so much fun with it! So much more interesting than my first painting...her techniques for building up layers and texture is fun to do and makes for a really interesting background.
I need to decide where to go with it. I have never been one for drawing/painting people. Was never my thing. I used to love drawing realistic objects and landscapes. I moved away from that in grad school and since because I am such a perfectionist it was hard and felt like work sometimes. I still do love doing that type of art at times but with so much going on have needed more freedom when I'm doing art.
I highly recommend this book!
Friday, December 26, 2008
Happy day-after-Christmas to you all! I hope everyone had a quiet, wonderful Christmas. I did. This marked a year of change for me. It was the first year I wasn't there with my parents and brother and sister to open gifts first thing. Cary and I had our Christmas here and then went to my parents. He had to work Christmas Eve and night but it worked out. I was spoiled with clothes by him. He got me all sorts of sweaters and shirts and pants for work. Beautiful things that I wouldn't have gotten for myself. And truthfully I love them all! I don't want to return anything except for one that doesn't quite fit. Not bad! Yesterday afternoon we opened more gifts at my parents. My mom was about getting useful gifts this year. I got a few new pans and lots of odds and ends from my family. Always very thoughtful gifts. I think Cary had a nice day too although he is a little homesick. Hopefully next year we can make it to Maine so he can be with his family.
Today we are off to make the one exchange, go see Marley & Me (which I cannot wait to see -it is one of my favorite books I swear was written about our old dog Maddy!), and a few other things.
Merry day-after-Christmas to you all!
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Sunday, December 21, 2008
snow. snow. snow.
- Use some of the $15 itunes giftcard I got in the Yankee Swap last night.
- Make Christmas cookies and/or brownies. Whatever I'm in the mood for!
- Finish the page in Cary's album I started for him for Chistmas.
- Make 2 more Christmas cards.
- Clean the bathroom.
- Do some online window shopping/shopping? at twopeas, etc.
- Do a layout of my own or work on the canvas collage I started yesterday.
- Burn a Yankee Candle...mistletoe or eggnog.
- Call my mom.
- Water my plants.
- Make beef stew for dinner.
- Walk on the treadmill for a bit...if I'm motivated. But I don't really want to go outside so this probably won't stay on the list long!
Happy Sunday everyone!
Saturday, December 20, 2008

I bought this treat for myself the other night. A Christmas present of sorts. LOVE it! It is inspiring. Much of it reminds me of what I believe in my work as an art therapist...but I don't allow myself the same freedom and time for my art. I am really enjoying this read and am excited to experiment with some of the I NEED to set aside the time and space and freedome to experiement without worrying about the end result. Just PLAY....
Friday, December 19, 2008
warm inside
Hope everyone has a good night!
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
an everyday day
- It snowed! but then! Came out of work to find my car encased in a sheet of ice.
- Was a busy day at work.
- I'm looking forward to more snow on Friday.
- I'm enjoying the lights of the Christmas tree.
- Baking Cary's family chocolate chip cookies for my co-workers and us.
- I'm playing hookie from running or the gym. Went Monday and yesterday and today I'm hurting!
- I'm looking forward to a knitting group tomorrow night at my local yarn shop focused on finishing Christmas presents!
- Is Top Chef! I love that show.
- Means one more day of work. I'm loving this short work-week stuff during semester break!
- I'm feeling more relaxed than I have been.
- I'm feeling loved!
Monday, December 15, 2008
our 1st tree
Our 1st official tree. This is our 3rd Christmas but only our second Christmas where we will be in the same place on Christmas and last year we didn't get a tree. I just had my little trees up. This is our tree now. We finally got it last night. What a project. Between Saturday and Sunday I went to 5 stores to find a tree stand! 5. And almost as many stores to find a tree topper! Yesterday I found a tree topper. A star. It's ok. It will do for this year but I don't love it. It isn't up yet. That will be Cary's job when he gets up! He did the lights and I put up the ornaments last night and this a.m. I love it! I grew up having white lights and for a few years on my own always had white lights. Truthfully they are what I usually prefer. But this is our tree. Colored lights are Christmas to Cary. So this is my first tree with colored lights. I'm adjusting and they are pretty.
stringing lights - teases when I take pictures..."no press, no press!"
Today I'm making Gingerbread men. By request. Cary was so looking forward to them yesterday but I ran out of time. After did take 4 stores yesterday between looking for a tree stand and tree topper! the apartment smells awesome with the scent of gingerbread! That has to be one of my favorite Christmas smells...right up there with pine trees. We will decorate them yesterday. Cary was telling me a story he remembers from when he was little and was in boy scouts. He remembers taking all kinds of time decorating a gingerbread man cookie with candies and frosting. And then he remembers leaving boy scouts that day and forgetting his cookie. He was so dissapointed and still remembers it! So today he can have his share of 13 of them!
Hoping to catch up on some blogs today. Working on a suprise scrapbook for Cary and finishing the knitted dishclothes for my mom (still have 2 1/2 to go!)....I might not finish!
Saturday, December 13, 2008
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Monday, December 8, 2008
more cards
Some more cards I made this weekend. I think I have finished. I am only sending out about 25 or so handmade cards to close friends and family. The rest of my cards are from Target. I just got back from picking up my car. Yeah! Walked on the treadmill for a bit now that I'm feeling better. Now I'm just heating up a stuffed pepper and some white rice. One of my favorite suppers. Not much else to report's some more cards!
Sunday, December 7, 2008
it's snowing!
It's snowing! It's snowing! Yeah! I have been looking forward to this since earlier in the week when I saw the forcast! I feel like a little kid. I am missing seeing the snow in the woods from my window a little though. At my old apartment in my parent's yard it is all woods and you can see the snow so much better. But...I'm enjoying seeing it fall from the sky.
I had a fantastic day with my mom yesterday. We went Christmas shopping, bought poinsettias (which has become our yearly tradition), wreathes for the bridge and my patio (more on the wreath tradition in future posts), and had lunch. We ended the day at the grocery store. I really enjoyed spending time with her and feel like I haven't been able to much. It was a needed, fun day. We did talk a lot about the economy though. It worries us both for different reasons and definately effected our usual traditions. Less gifts, less poinsettias. We both used to fill the house/apartment with the flowers every Christmas. We each bought much less.I have to admit, when I came home from my day with Mom, I felt kind of lonely. Not since I went to school in DC have I felt that. In my old apartment, my parent's house was right there. I could run over if I wanted company or be alone when I wanted. Here I usually have Cary. But with him at guard it is lonely. I don't know what I'll do if he (God forbid) goes overseas or for his long trainings. Usually I'm ok when he's gone. I think it is because I had her company all day and had such a nice time.
Anyhow. Keeping busy helps. I made some more Christmas Cards last night. Hoping to finish them today. I had to make 25 and the remaining people on my list are getting a pretty card I bought at Target. Trying to simplify for myself. Also hoping to make some funfetti Christmas cupcakes today. And then the regular old laundry and cooking supper. I love having one whole day to be home.
snow on my balcony...and my wreath! I'm excited! We are the only ones with one...hey...I don't have a yard so this is it!
Happy Sunday! Hopefully will have some card photos to post later!
Saturday, December 6, 2008
happy saturday
A load has been lifted...I'm almost done with the semester. Just need to do my grades on Monday. Yippee! The students have no idea how excited the professors are to be done too.
Have a Happy Saturday!
Thursday, December 4, 2008
ordinary day, extraordinary sunrise
Tomorrow I teach my last class of the semester! Yeah! Then comes grades (I already have a head start) and some student meetings. But otherwise I am on mini-break with some short work weeks coming up. I cannot wait!
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
Then while cleaning the microwave I took out the glass plate that is inside the microwave. Balanced it on top of the microwave and manged to knock it onto the floor. Into a million pieces. Arrggh! How do you go about getting a new plate for the microwave without having to buy a whole new microwave??? There must be a way....
Monday, December 1, 2008
Tried to do too much yesterday, as usual! But put up some more decorations...found a few things at Pier One and Michael's. Used my Yankee Candle coupons for some of our favorites. Made little wreaths for the kitchen chairs and a large wreath for our hallway closet. But today I paid for it and ended up leaving work early. Sick. We'll see about work tomorrow. I just want to feel better. I hate being home sick and feeling guilty about that. I always do. I was out sick two weeks ago and felt like I was fighting something. Probably brought on by stress. And now I have a full-blown cold. Boo! I really need to do something about my stress level. I have the perfectionist personality that doesn't help. I need to really LET GO of crap and relax! I am going to try...again! I enjoy doing things around the house. It relaxes me. It's the work stuff that stresses me.
Anyhow...I just did some online window shopping at Amazon and LL Bean. Have stuff in my virtual "bags" to buy later this week. All my Christmas shopping will be almost done. I am definately buying less this year as I'm sure many are....but I think I have picked out things people I love will love. are some more pictures of decoations! I don't have a tree up yet so there will be more to come! And my lighting isn't great so the pictures of the wreath aren't great. I am going to try and check out my favorite blogs before I get some more rest...
Close-up of the glittered poinsettias. These were really pretty and they had them in many different colors.
I have three really old, cheap trees from AC Moore in my kitchen/LR "pass-through." The wire tree on the wire was one of my Pier One purchases yesterday for $10. It is a card or photo holder. I plan on hanging up cards we receive during the holidays.