Oh....and they won't be raising our rent.
Now to see what Phase II brings....
So glad to have that meeting over with though. When I am anxious, nervous or angry I feel it in my gut. I get so nauseous. Yuck. So after the meeting I went on the treadmill for a bit, made myself dinner and am now waiting for clothes in the dryer. Thanks so much to everyone who has left little kind thoughts. I know I'm vague on here about the problem we have been having and it is hard to really explain but I truly appreciate the kind words of encouragement. They mean a lot.
I hope this is all over soon. We are going on month 4 soon. 6 if you count the few months before we had an issue. I just want to live like a normal person again!
But...on to better and bigger things. I got tagged by my blog friend Toni :) For this one you need to:
Go to the photos folder on your computer.Go to the seventh folder of
Go to the seventh photo.
Put the seventh photo on your blog
along with a description.
Invite seven friends to join.

So now, I'm tagging: Everyone! Anyone reading who wants to give this a try!