Tuesday, April 14, 2009

stop. slow down. be present.

An empty beach

Today was such a busy, rushed day. I rushed through a busy day at work. Rushed to get home and cook a quick supper before Cary went off to work. Rushed.

I needed to stop. Breathe. I told myself I would do that today.

So after he left I took a walk down the boulevard. It was so cold with the wind off the water. Refreshing though. I sat on a quiet rock for few minutes. Then exercised with the rest of my walk. Saw people walking their dogs. A Husky playing catch along the water edge. Saw boats coming in. The tide washing in on the rocks. People walking after thier days. Cars going by. The sun getting lower. The wind getting colder.

It helped me to slow down even by walking quickly in the wind.

Noticing things around me. Feeling present. Prioritizing what is important. Wishing I hadn't rushed through cooking supper and didn't really just enjoy the little time I had to spend with Cary. Wishing I had not been so frantic to get "things done."

I will do better tomorrow...


Sarah Coggins said...

Excellent post! It is so easy to get carried away and rush on to the next thing we need/want to do. I'm guilty of that on a regular basis. DH & I took a walk last night too partly for that reason - it's always a nice way to slow down and spend uninterrupted time together plus get a little exercise. :) Hope today is more relaxed for you!!

toners said...

Well said, Emily. I think many of us get so easily caught up in the daily routine that we need to just slow down and take the world in :)

Kerry McKibbins said...

My New Year's Resolution last year was to slow down, from driving to living. It was tough, but when I did it, I noticed so many things. Great post.


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