Wednesday, May 28, 2014

documenting home

I mentioned in my last post a few ways that I like to use pocketed scrapbook pages. Since the New Year I have started a project where I am photographing each room in our home. Little by little. I love looking back at my parent's and grandparent's photos and being flooded with memories when I see their homes in these images. Long lost objects and architecture that created home. I want to document these memories for our little girl and for ourselves. Here's how I've been doing this so far.

Our Room page 1

Our Room page 2
In January I went on a major organizing spree. It started mainly in or storage closet...but since that is connected to our master bedroom in our smallish 2-BR condo...our bedroom was a natural starting point for this project. I took photos around the room and documented the memories...

Since this first spread I have completed a spread about our Living Room & Kitchen which are one open concept space. I tried to get some photos from our toddler's perspective. Low to the ground! I know that someday I'll look back fondly at these photos of her little Princess castles...

Our Living Room & Kitchen page 1

Our Living Room and Kitchen page 2

I'm hoping to continue this project documenting more of our spaces. I think Ellie's room is next. This is an idea I'd like to revisit this from time to time in the years to come as things change.

Thanks for looking!

1 comment:

Tracy said...

This is such a great project!
I have heard of doing this years ago…but have not yet done it.
thank you for sharing your home and reminding me that I should do the same.


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