Friday, September 19, 2008


I have been a really bad blogger this week. Both writing my own updates and reading my favorite blogs. I feel like I am full swing into the semester and the goings-on of fall. Last night I spent an hour putting together a microwave stand I ordered through Target. So now the microwave is not on the kitchen floor. Still need other furniture. Need a coffee table badly. I am having friends over next month for our monthly Girl's Night and I have no tables in the living room for appetizers, snacks or drinks. Cary wants to hold off because of $. He had brake trouble with his truck and we are trying to pay some stuff off. But...meanwhile...I feel like I'm still living like a college student! Next thing you know I'll have my old plastic giant tote covered with a sheet as my coffee table! Hey...whatever works I guess! I'm such a perfectionist though...I want our place to look nice...

Tonight...after the gym I hope I'm not too burnt out and tired so I can work on some cards. I really haven't had time and I have been antsy to burn off some creative energy this week. Unfortunately everything else of everyday life has taken priority. I told myself I wouldn't do that. Monday night I took an hour and did some drawing. But that's the only creative thing I've done in a week and a half. Unless you count putting together the microwave cart!

Well...I really should be working so I will keep this short and promise to be better about updating...

Happy Friday everyone!

1 comment:

Jen Mc said...

Putting the cart together is VERY creative! :D Glad you're slowly getting some furniture.
Hope you had a good weekend!


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