Bonnet from Sirdar #1242 in Sirdar Snuggly Baby Bamboo |
Finished another cute, girly, pink knitted thing for the baby. Now I started in on a regular-old, grown up hat for me! Needed to switch. I am almost finished with another little sweater for her though. Need to finish sleeve #2 and then piece it together. I still haven't done any scrapping, drawing, collage, cardmaking. Not in almost a year. But knitting has been my outlet. I am considering going to my LSS tomorrow and picking up a few things with the $20 coupon I got there to start a baby scrapbook. We'll see.
Started out this pretty fall day, Veteran's Day, having breakfast at a local pancake place with my husband. So happy and so grateful he is home safe with me. Thinking of all veterans today....especially him, my dad, my grandpa, and my uncles. Thank you to them and all veterans.
Happy Friday!