Monday, May 12, 2008

i hate being sick being sick. Today was my day off and I spent it going to the Dr. Long list of symptoms for a few weeks culminating this weekend with a fever. Not sure what's up but given antibiotics for a possible infection and they think I have bronchitis. The x-ray was normal. I hate taking antibiotics. But in the grand scheme I shouldn't complain. I was mean and complaining when I came home to Cary and I feel bad. I feel like he must think I'm a grouch. Who's always sick. Lately I don't feel good frequently and had been stressed out with being stretched too thin. Hopefully I can lighten up a little.

Tomorrow back to work as long as I feel ok. My work weeks will be short during the summer. Next week I start my last grad class for my CAGS in counseling to be state license eligible. I can't wait to be done with it. Two nights a week for 6 weeks. But...fortunately work and class is consolidated to Tue - Thur which will be nice. I'm someone who doesn't like it all spread out...get it done in as little time as possible!

Well..I'm off to wash some dishes and try and feel a little better. And to read my new Memory Makers that came today...and the Country Home issue that I snuck into the grocery cart today ;)


Heather said...

I hope you start feeling better soon. It's awful to be sick and have so much on your plate. It's a vicious cycle.

toners said...

I hope you're feeling lots better very quickly. ((hugs))


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