Friday, March 11, 2011

Shoot & Edit: Spring (edit)

Sony DSC-HX1: 1/25 f4 ISO400 Edit

Here's my edited version of the daffodils for this week's  Point & Shoot challenge: Spring. I played around with this edit more than in past edits. Did some basic edits in Picasa and Picnik. Then I used one of thier fun edits "lomo-ish." I also cropped the photo slightly...

That's it for today.

Happy Friday!


Ashley Sisk said...

The crop is kinda interest but I think I like your SOOC just a little more. Nice work though.

emily said...

I like the sooc better too...I didnt have much I wanted to do with it! But played with the odd effects on picnik was fun.

Sarah Coggins said...

Cool edit, Emily! I like the bold look of the yellow. :)


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