Monday, August 10, 2009

monday gratitudes

Today I am Grateful for..
  1. Cary being back home!
  2. Dinners at home
  3. Movie Theatre popcorn
  4. my family
  5. possibly being able to see Cary get commissioned as an Officer.
  6. knitting circle
  7. AC
  8. my balcony where I can grow flowers and veggies.

Getting back into a routine with Cary home. Have a short work week this week and then I'm on vacation for 12 days! Yeah! Not going away but doing fun stuff around here. My family reunion next weekend, the zoo, possibly go to Maine. We'll see. A little bummed because I had gotten Sara Evans tix for Cary's birthday but just found out drill weekend got changed to the same day :( But I'm trying to be positive. That might be the weekend he gets his new rank and I will be able to be there. So that is very positive. That only happens once. Maybe we can see Sara in the future.

I also started a new knitting project. A baby sweater for my cousin in California who is having her first girl in November. I'm excited about this project. It's a pale, pale yellow and its a little jacket with a knitting flower. I have so many projects started and in my head. I need to knit faster!

Well...I'm off. We're going to take a walk/run and Cary wants to see GI Joe. We have seen 3 movies since he's been back...that was something he really missed!

Happy Monday!


toners said...

Yeah! So happy for you that Cary is back home :) Enjoy your time together - and that upcoming break!

Jen Mc said...

HOORAY! Glad he's back. Congrats on his possible commission - fingers crossed.
Hope you enjoyed the movies & are looking forward to vaca.


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