Monday, August 31, 2009
monday gratitudes
Monday Gratitudes:
Today I am Grateful for...
1. The long drive to/from my brother's college talking to them and listening to music.
2. Home-made Beef Stew for dinner.
3. Money to buy the bottled water needed during my cities "boil water" order.
4. Gas in my car.
5. Two steady paychecks.
6. A fun day to look forward to at work tomorrow.
7. The start of the semester this week with two year's experience behind me.
8. Fresh late summer air.
9. Family
10. Blueberry Pie
11. Tomatos growing on my plant.
12. Bottled water.
13. A funny book to read: Twenties Girl by Sophie Kinsella
14. Time alone sometimes.
15. Time with those I love sometimes.
That's all for today! Off to eat my dinner and sit outside and read before it gets dark. Back to work tomorrow...
Happy Monday!
Saturday, August 29, 2009
be-lated gratitudes
So I have been an awful blogger. No updates in over a week! It has been a week that is for sure. Ups and downs. Good and bad! Instead of going into it all I will do my belated gratitude list!
Today I am grateful for:
1. My internet, phone and cable now working after being diconnected for 24 hours. That forced me to focus on other things...reading, movies, schoolwork, cleaning this apartment.
2. I can can see Cary's commissioning in a few weeks. It will be a quick trip and a long drive but I can do it.
3. I am prepared to start the semester next friday.
4. Two steady paychecks.
5. I had lunch with Mom and my brother yesterday and a shopping trip with my brother.
6. Money to buy the neccesities and a few treats.
7. Beef Stew cooking.
8. Blueberry Pie.
9. Messages from my sister.
10. Phone calls.
I'm hoping to try out the new supplies I bought last weekend on a few layouts or cards tomorrow. I have still not had the motivation to scrap...but I've been collecting ideas. All part of the creative process I guess. I have been knitting the baby sweater for my cousin while watching DVD's today. It is coming along... to enjoy my beef stew while the rain from Hurricane Danny comes down outside.
Happy Saturday!
Thursday, August 20, 2009
on being a tourist at home
Here are a few more pictures of the trip...
My cousin and the water
The open ocean...beautiful on a very hot day.
Double tail flukes! There were three Humpback whales we followed for a bit. You can see another whale watch boat in the distance. Before seeing these humpbacks we saw two Fin Whales off the coast - they are the 2nd biggest animal in the world! Seemed odd to think they weren't that far off shore!My dad, uncle and brother on the boat.
Cary with home in the background...
Fishing boats in the Harbor.
Home. I feel so lucky sometimes to live here...
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
gratitudes...a day late.
So this week it will be "Tuesday Gratitudes!" I'm a day behind. So far having an average vacation. Haven't been feeling great so having a late start on fun. But we had an awesome family reunion on Saturday complete with boat rides, food, kayaking and fireworks. We have been going to the movies a lot and went out to dinner a few times. Today I'm hoping to get some groceries and some new flowers to replace the ones that are past their prime in my containers outside. Today our city has very low water pressure. Amazing how much we rely on stuff like that and don't realize it til it's not there!
Today I am grateful for:
1. telephones
2. family
3. seafood. Especially fried seafood.
4. living near the ocean.
5. cameras to capture memories.
6. playing computer games with my guy.
7. having a job and a steady paycheck.
8. Cary.
9. summer weather.
10. my car.
Here are a few more pictures from the reunion. I didn't take as many this year...and a lot less of people I noticed...though there are a few. My dad had 10 brothers and sisters so it is a huge family! It is held at my Uncle's house which was my grandparent's. It is the home where they all grew up and where us grandchildren played as kids. It is in the neighborhood where I grew up so I had the good fortune of spending much time there and have so many wonderful memories of that yard and the river...
Happy Tuesday!
Thursday, August 13, 2009
vacation day #1
Some of the peppers I grew...some seem hotter than others. But good! Today is Day #1 of vacation. Or stay-cation I should say. We are just hanging out today...playing computer games and I have to do laundry. Nothing too exciting. Hope to catch up on some blogs soon. I also want to do some cardmaking this week. I don't remember the last time I have made one!
Happy Thursday!
Monday, August 10, 2009
monday gratitudes
- Cary being back home!
- Dinners at home
- Movie Theatre popcorn
- my family
- possibly being able to see Cary get commissioned as an Officer.
- knitting circle
- AC
- my balcony where I can grow flowers and veggies.
Getting back into a routine with Cary home. Have a short work week this week and then I'm on vacation for 12 days! Yeah! Not going away but doing fun stuff around here. My family reunion next weekend, the zoo, possibly go to Maine. We'll see. A little bummed because I had gotten Sara Evans tix for Cary's birthday but just found out drill weekend got changed to the same day :( But I'm trying to be positive. That might be the weekend he gets his new rank and I will be able to be there. So that is very positive. That only happens once. Maybe we can see Sara in the future.
I also started a new knitting project. A baby sweater for my cousin in California who is having her first girl in November. I'm excited about this project. It's a pale, pale yellow and its a little jacket with a knitting flower. I have so many projects started and in my head. I need to knit faster!
Well...I'm off. We're going to take a walk/run and Cary wants to see GI Joe. We have seen 3 movies since he's been back...that was something he really missed!
Happy Monday!
Monday, August 3, 2009
monday gratitudes
I need some deep breaths and some positive energy!
Today I am grateful for:
1. My overall health aside from this cold. A cold will pass.
2. Cary comes home this weekend...and at least I won't be sick then!
3. The chance to use some sick time tomorrow if I'm still not feeling well...I need to go in for an hour in the a.m. for one task but have many sick hours if I need too.
4. television
5. A new Creating Keepsakes to read.
6. Sunshine
7. The scallops I cooked for dinner last night and the leftovers today.
8. lemonade
9. Robitussin
10. Cool showers.
I'm feeling better already!
Happy Monday