Thursday, January 1, 2009

2008 intentions in review

Looked back at the mini album I did last January for my 2008 Intentions. It makes me feel good to see what I have accomplished. Intentions are something I've been doing for years instead of Resolutions. The idea is to frame your New Years goals in the positive...what you will add to your life or changes you will make rather than what you won't do. They say that a goal framed in a positive way is a good way to start.

Here were my 2008 Intentions:

1. I intend to take one day a week to do art, read or just do whatever. One day to not do work! For the most part I accomplished this. I wanted to get out of the habit of doing course planning or checking work email on the weekends.

2. I intend to find a place to make a home with Cary. We found a nice apartment that is both of ours and we are settling into a routine.

3. I intend to pay off my car and my credit card bill. Not completed. Yet. In all fairness my car will be paid off in February. So almost. But the credit card isn't. I have been paying it down though and not using it except for 2 minor car related issues.

4. I intend to take more photographs of everyday life and whatever catches my interest.I did this and had fun with it! I found it helped me to notice the little things more. I documented life's details, practiced photography, got outside more, paid attention more. I felt more present. I know I will look back and these pictures years from now and be glad I took the moment to document those details of my life.

5. I intend to finish school once and for all. I did it! Got my CAGS in Counseling and am now state license eligible (mental health counseling) in addition to my already achieved art therapy credentials. Something I put off for 7 years for many reasons. But with the way the economy is going it hasn't helped me yet. More school may be in my future. We'll see.

6. I intend to return to my walking and exercise routine. I did...somewhat. Added a little running in. But still need to increase my consistency with how many days I exercise. I used to be much better about this and I'm slacking.

7. I intend to grow my position at the college by using my creativity. I did this. I will be teaching one more class next fall for a total of 2 each semester!

8. I intend to sell my cards one time this year at a craft fair or in a store. Technically my mom helped me out with this one. I had to go to a funeral out of state on the day I signed up to do her school's fair. She manned my table for me!

9. I intend to find a part-time job that rejuvenates me, whether it's another art therapy job or just something else for awhile. I desparately wanted to accomplish this one but wasn't able to. Yet.

10. I intend to make an effort to live by the phrase "First things First". Focus on what's important and worry less about what is not. I worked hard on this one...took a few steps back recently but hope to continue with it when I work on focusing on my 2009 One Little Word...


Tomorrow I'll post about my 2009 Intentions

1 comment:

Gabrielle said...

You did great on your intentions! What an accomplishment!

Love your word for 2009!

Happy New Year! :)


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