Monday, July 14, 2008


I want to again thank everyone for thier advice and kind words and virtual {hugs}...things are going ok. Still very complicated but I started the apartment search yesterday. Didn't get too far. I'm waiting for Cary to wake up today and then he can make some calls to some of the more promising places. I just want a decision made...that's how I operate. Cary is more of a "wait and see." That drives me crazy - to have something big hanging over my head. I want to be actively doing this search and making calls this a.m. but he wants to be involved.

So...I'm trying to clear my mind and do some scrapping. I hope to work on my May page today.

Yesterday I did get quite a lot done and felt good about it...

To Do {yesterday}:

Grocery shopping. Just a few things.
Make some potato salad for supper.
Sweep the floors and straighten up a little.
Take a walk.
Scrap at least one page.
Start looking at which photos to develop for June.
Buy printer ink.
Print out my fall class roster and syllabus.
Read my book.

It was an ambitious list. I tend to do that to myself. Strangely it makes me feel better because all the things on this list were solely within my control. So much else right now doesn't feel like it's in my control. But I agree with the support I got yesterday. I need to ease up on myself. Today I just want to do a few things....

Today's To Do:
  • complete May layout

  • call the 4 most promising apartments - all complexes with utilities included.

  • go to the gym

  • welcome my sister home from her trip to Europe (and try not to be too jealous-lol!)

Anything else I do will be extra....hope to post a layout later...


This is me: Sweet Pete said...

Glad to hear your having a much better day, after all you Queen of the day! =)

Krissynae said...

I am also glad to hear things a getting a little better. The right place will make itself known when you least expect it to. Good luck apt hunting..


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