Friday, June 13, 2008


My dad got through the hand surgury ok. Not feeling too great because of the anesthesia and pain meds etc. But the first part is done. He has these huge, square foam contraption to keep his right hand elevated higher than his heart. It's sucky seeing him not feel well and need help with little things. He's having trouble with that I think. But he's doing good! Thanks for the prayers.

Tonight I am going to the Relay-for-Life for a bit. Some friends from high school have a team. I didn't officially join the team but will walk for a bit in support. Today was spent doing errands for my parents, bank, groceries, etc. The weather here is beautiful. I also stopped at my LSS to buy some Hambly overlays and more chipboard pages for a book I've been working on for awhile. Tomorrow I'll try and post some pictures of another mini-book I started last week. I hope to work on both some tomorrow. I also need to get some photos developed online.

Hopefully I'll have a more interesting update to post tomorrow! Happy Friday!

1 comment:

Bonita Rose said...

daisies are my fave flower.. love that pic!


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